The global KIBS industry proved to be generally resilient and less susceptible to the crisis than most manufacturing and services sectors. The industry itself could be one of the critical drivers of recovery and growth in the post-pandemic era. In Poland, it has shown its resilience, positively contributing to the economy, creating jobs, while overall employment in the enterprises’ sector in Poland has declined. It managed the pandemic-accelerated transformation of work models as well as digitalization and automation processes.

The industry as a whole proved to be resilient and demonstrated its significant capacity to adapt to new circumstances. Larger enterprises were more resilient due to their extensive scope of activities and available resources. At the same time, simpler tasks were easier to adapt to the changing environment, while more complex knowledge-based tasks requiring closer interaction with clients were more affected.

The ability to quickly adjust the scale of operations in line with changing customer expectations is becoming critical to greater resilience. Overall, resilience requires greater flexibility in all critical aspects of the functioning of centers. The speed of changes is likely to accelerate further due to the pandemic, leading to a transformational change. The change has to be accepted, understood, and embraced.

Any business that resists change or stops evolving (adjusting) will become obsolete and eliminated. Corporate boards need leaders who can secure the organizational buy-in, communicate effectively, and select the right partners who can put “skin in the game.” Creative and innovative potential will have to be built and constantly strengthened as the competitive edge in the outsourcing business will be determined to a growing extent by devising complex and rapid transformations.

Learn more about factors driving the growth of the industry and predictions for the sector for the next decade by purchasing Strategic Foresight in the business services sector 2021.